
About Us

The Early Beginnings

Sportswell was founded in 1982 by Roger Wellings specialising in sporting tours to Fiji. In 1989 Trish Aisake joined Roger and together they developed the business into the premier sports travel company to Fiji. Over the years Sportswell has successfully operated sporting tours to Fiji for a number of sports including rugby league, rugby league nines, netball, soccer, lawn bowls, hockey, cricket, rugby union, touch football, swimming, basketball and badminton.

In 2011 after a number of very successful years the parent company for Sportswell was sold and with new owners the business priorities were realigned resulting in the closure of the Sportswell division.

The New Era of Sportswell

In 2023 Sportswell is relaunched under the leadership of the former Events & Groups Manager, Trish Aisake. Returning with annual Junior Netball Championships and for the first time introducing Junior Girls League Tag Championships to Fiji.

Sportswell looks to grow its annual events across multiple sporting codes and ad-hoc tour groups over the coming years as operations are re-established.